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首頁 > 南北極 > 2023-24年度經典南極半島11天體驗之旅


  • 最受市場歡迎的經典行程
  • 乘搭極地專用探險船深入南極半島,近距離觀賞冰河及冰川景色
  • 頻繁登陸巡航多達8次或以上,充分體驗和感受南極迷人景色
  • 乘坐橡皮艇近距離觀賞企鵝、海豹、海獅等極地生物
  • 安排乘坐橡皮艇登岸,岸上探訪各國科研站及具有歷史背景的極地遺跡
  • 自選極地露營體驗及健行體驗
  • 自費活動 - 極地獨木舟
  • 上下船地點:阿根廷 烏斯懷亞 (USHUAIA, ARGENTINA)

World Explorer - 南極半島11天體驗之旅

船號 : World Explorer 天數 : 11 Days 出發 : Ushuaia 結束 : Ushuaia

Start End Promo Offer Triple Infinity Suite Veranda Suite Superior Suite Deluxe Suite Owner's Suite
2023-11-05 2023-11-15 Brochure Price 12,995 15,995 14,995 19,495 20,995 22,495
Early Bird 12,995 11,996 11,246 14,621 15,746 16,871
Pay in full 11,696 10,797 10,122 13,159 14,172 15,184
2023-11-14 2023-11-24 Brochure Price 12,995 15,995 14,995 19,495 20,995 22,495
Early Bird 12,995 11,996 11,246 13,647 14,697 15,747
Pay in full 11,696 10,797 10,122 12,282 13,227 14,172
2023-11-23 2023-12-03 Brochure Price 12,995 15,995 14,995 19,495 20,995 22,495
Early Bird 12,995 11,996 11,246 13,647 14,697 15,747
Pay in full 11,696 10,797 10,122 12,282 13,227 14,172
2024-01-20 2024-01-30 Brochure Price 14,995 18,495 17,495 22,495 23,995 26,495
Early Bird 14,995 13,871 13,121 15,747 16,797 18,547
Pay in full 13,496 12,484 11,809 14,172 15,117 16,692
2024-01-29 2024-02-08 Brochure Price 14,995 18,495 17,495 22,495 23,995 26,495
Early Bird 14,995 13,871 13,121 15,747 16,797 18,547
Pay in full 13,496 12,484 11,809 14,172 15,117 16,692

*以上價格已包括入住1晚烏斯懷亞當地酒店 (貨幣以美元每位計算)

*價格有效期 : Jan 4, 2023 - Mar 31, 2023 (以報名時為準,船公司有權隨時更改優惠)


English 展開全部



You may arrive in Buenos Aires at any time during Day 1 of the itinerary. Upon your arrival in Buenos Aires, you will independently transfer to the group hotel (pre-night hotel included).

下午約四點左右登上南極專用的探險船,沿途客人可欣賞到過美麗壯觀的畢哥水道(Beagle Channel)和火地島群島。離開烏斯懷亞後,正式展開南極探險之旅 。

After breakfast at the hotel, the group will transfer to the airport and board our private charter flight from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia, Argentina. Upon arrival, we’ll take a short city tour of this quaint port town before heading to the pier.

乘風破浪,朝南航行。通過位於南美洲大陸及南極半島間著名水道德雷克海峽(Drake Passage)。沿途發現浮冰、冰山及海鳥、鯨魚。船上特聘專家、學者們舉辦專題講座,介紹南極的生態 環境,包括各種生長在南極奇特的鳥類、海洋生物等等。

Prepare yourself for potentially rough water, but hope for a smooth sailing as the Drake is unpredictable and always changing. You’ll spend these first days getting to know your shipmates, while we’ll provide safety briefings and insights into what excitement lies ahead.

穿越南極幅合帶(Antarctic Convergence)後,將抵達南雪特藍島,島上有企鵝築巢群棲,包括玳瑁企鵝(Chinstrap Penguins)、金圖企鵝(Gentoo Penguins)及比較罕見的麥克羅尼企 (Macaroni Penguins)。此外還有巨海燕、藍眼海鴨和海鷗在空中盤懸飛翔或在懸崖峭壁上築巢。 接連的4-5天,我們將尋幽訪勝,巡航於生物繁盛,冰河冰山四處環繞,人文歷史史蹟充裕及奇觀美景處處可見的白色大地。船長及工作人員將仔細研判每日情況,彈性安排當天的活動,預定由以下區域挑選最適合的地點搭乘橡皮艇登陸:

奇幻島(Deception Island):形狀酷似馬蹄,為一火山島嶼,最近一次爆發在1969年,迫使英國及智利科研站關閉,目前仍遺留部份遺跡。此島在1930年代還是主要補鯨基地,遺留許多當時補鯨工廠設備,新奇的是地熱溫泉,奇妙無比!

洛克萊港(Port Lockroy):英國科研站遺址,此地已改建成一座小型的南極博物館,只在夏季期間開放,內有2-3名英國館員接待訪客。

天堂灣(Paradise Bay):是一處美麗的峽灣,三面為巨型冰川(約有1萬英尺)環繞,一直由山頂端延伸到海邊,氣勢雄偉。我們搭橡皮艇登陸,此處有一座阿根廷科研站,站後可攀登一座長年被冰雪覆蓋的冰川,由上溜滑下來,新鮮又有趣。此峽灣也是座頭鯨經常出沒處。

彼特門島(Petermann Island):島上阿德雷企鵝(Adelie Penguins)與金圖企鵝築巢群棲。附近有一寬闊水面,因風向、洋流關係,常聚集數百座浮冰,大小、形狀各異,十分壯觀,我們稱為浮冰廣場(Iceberg Plaza)

It is perhaps the first sight of land itself that is embraced as the true beginning of any Antarctic expedition. You can begin to appreciate why this region has long captivated the attention of explorers and travelers alike.

We will take Zodiac excursions from the ship to explore bays, channels and landing sites each day. With wildlife always at the forefront of our minds you will visit penguin rookeries, scout for humpback and Minke whales and search for a number of the southern seal species, including the cunning leopard seal. The majesty of the Peninsula’s mountains will enchant you as you scramble up snowy pathways to vantage points offering you 360° views of your surroundings. One of these in particular, in Orne Harbour, gives the opportunity to visit a chinstrap penguin colony high up on a ridge. Here you’ll have the choice between going for a mountain hike or spending time sitting quietly on a pebbled beach to enjoy the antics of curious penguins. Amidst the serene silence of Antarctica, noisy interludes now become indelible memories, such as penguins squabbling over prized pebbles, or the boom and crack of a calving glacier in Neko Harbour.Every day will be different, having been carefully crafted by your Expedition Team so as to entertain and educate you about this wonderful part of the world.


The journey back across the Drake Passage provides you with some final opportunities to enjoy the crisp Antarctic air. Spend time on the deck watching for seabirds and scouting for whales, enjoy a few final presentations by your Expedition Team or simply relax and reminisce about your experiences.



You will arrive in Ushuaia in the morning after breakfast. After disembarkation, you will have a little time to explore Ushuaia before we transfer to the airport for the return group charter flight to Buenos Aires.

Important reminder: Embracing the unexpected is part of the legacy – and excitement – of expedition travel. There are no guarantees that we can achieve everything we set out to accomplish. A measure of flexibility is something all of us must bring to a voyage. There are nearly 200 recognized sites in the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetlands and the places mentioned above may be changed to others equally as interesting.

CHARTER FLIGHT NOT INCLUDED IN THE BASE PRICE OF THE TRIP $800 USA per person Buenos Aires Flight and Transfer Package includes:

  • Pre expedition hotel night in BuenosAires, with breakfast
  • Group transfer from the hotel to the airport in Buenos Aires
  • Charter flight from Buenos Aires toUshuaia, and return
  • Group transfer from Ushuaia airport to the ship, and return


免責聲明: 一切以英文行程為准。由於安全考慮,所有登岸觀光需依當時天氣情況由船公司決定,登岸時間及地點皆按實際情況安排。
還有其他天數行程未能盡錄,請致電2737 8347 查詢。

Changes on itinerary may occur due to "Force Majeure", weather, ice conditions, or other circumstances beyond our control or which simply cannot be forseen and/or changes to excursions or landings. Every attempt will be made to adhere to the itineraries described within the limites of safety and time. HKST and our supplier does not accept any responsibility for loss of enjoyment, delays or compensation and shall not be liable for the circumstances beyond our control.

World Explorer 船舶簡介